
Stack Diary was launched in 2021 by its founder Alex Ivanovs with the goal of covering the latest news in technology, cybersecurity, and web development. These are also the topics that Alex himself is most experienced with and passionate about.

As the platform has grown and readership increased, Stack Diary has expanded to cover topics such as artificial intelligence, breaking news, and several niche topics. The stories covered by us have been featured in places like the world’s largest tech editorials, including TechCrunch, The New York Times, Forbes, WIRED, The Verge, and others.

Our Editorial Standards

At Stack Diary, we are committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards to ensure that our content is accurate, trustworthy, and valuable to our readers. Our dedication to quality is unwavering, as we understand the impact and influence our articles can have. Below are the fundamental principles that guide our editorial process:

  • Accuracy and Fact-Checking: Each piece of content we publish undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process where all claims, statistics, and technical data are verified with credible sources. We strive to provide precise and up-to-date information.
  • Expertise: Our writers and contributors are experts in their respective fields, bringing years of experience and deep knowledge to the topics they cover. This expertise ensures that our guides, tutorials, and news are reliable and informed.
  • Impartiality and Fairness: We approach each topic neutrally, without bias or influence from external parties. Our reviews and comparisons are fair and aim to provide balanced perspectives, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses.
  • Transparency: We believe in being transparent about our sources and the methodology behind our reviews and comparisons. If content is sponsored or if there are affiliate links, we disclose this information to maintain trust with our readers.
  • Quality and Clarity: We prioritize high-quality writing that is clear, concise, and accessible. Complex topics are broken down into understandable content without compromising depth and detail.
  • Innovation and Trend Awareness: As technology and web development are fast-evolving fields, we ensure that our content reflects the latest trends and innovations, providing our readers with fresh and relevant insights.
  • Ethics: We adhere to a strict code of ethics, respecting intellectual property rights, privacy, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Our content is created with integrity and respect for our readership.
  • Reader Engagement: We encourage and value reader feedback, using it to continuously improve and evolve our content to meet the needs and interests of our audience.
  • Continuous Improvement: Our editorial guidelines are not static. We regularly review and update them to adapt to new standards in publishing, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of quality content delivery.

Stack Diary is dedicated to providing exceptional content that not only informs but also engages and empowers our readers. Our plans for the future hinge on the trust we build with our community, and these standards are the foundation of that trust.

About the founder, Alex

Alex Ivanovs, Founder

My initial encounter with computing occurred in the late 1990s, my neighbor’s dad had a Win 95 machine that he’d let us play with once in a while. With the advent of 2000 millennium, I was already fairly familiar with various systems (thanks to my school network), which then led to a natural interest in programming (to be fair, there wasn’t much else happening on the Web back then!). I began with Visual Basic and Perl (rip to both), gaining a foundational understanding of software development.

The release of WordPress in 2003 was a key moment for me, as it prompted me to establish my first online blog and dive into PHP and server-side management. Over the years I got more and more interested in writing and building online projects, so much so that I spend more time writing these days than I do coding. Nevertheless, the passion is there and I highly doubt it will ever be extinguished.

In 2015, I was invited to come and join the Huffington Post team to help them build their “Code” column, which lasted for about 2-ish years in total. That’s also when I got to work with other editorials such as Entrepreneur and TheNextWeb. From thereon I have been juggling various projects and focusing mostly on creating informative platforms that are based on interests close to me.

What does Stack Diary mean? In the tech world, a “stack” typically refers to a set of software products and technologies used to build a complete application. In this context, “diary” means a repository of the said stack. It’s a fairly low-level name, but I was never a domain hoarder so I just went with what was available. I still think it’s a good name.

What about your socials? The links at the header and footer are the places where you’ll get the most frequent updates from me, but you can also check me out on LinkedIn if you like.