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Interested in reaching thousands of software developers, professionals, and creators? This page outlines all the advertising options we have to offer.

We publish content primarily on the topics of Development (Web), Design (Web, Graphics), Tutorials (Web Development, WordPress), Tools (Web, AI, Windows, Mac, and Linux), Hosting (Web), Tech, Business, Security, and numerous other categories. If you’re unsure if we’re willing to publish or work with you on a specific type of product you’re trying to promote – get in touch!

We’re regularly featured in developer newsletters (JavaScript Weekly, Sidebar, Speckyboy, Codrops, and our content has been featured in The Overflow (the StackOverflow newsletter). We’ve also been mentioned in some of the world’s largest editorials, including The New York Times, TechCrunch, Business Insider, Washington Post, WIRED, and many others.

We’re also referenced in Can I Use? for several of our in-depth guides. In other words, we maintain a high-quality publishing standard with an emphasis on reputation.


Exclusive Partnership

Since Stack Diary does not promote a product of its own, we’re open to discussing a partnership in which we help you promote your product.

The details of this can be discussed if you reach out to us, and we can either propose a plan of our own, or we can consider hearing out your proposal and seeing what you have in mind.



Sponsored Post

We are happy to consider sponsored articles that will help you promote your brand in front of our readers. If you like, this article can be written by us so as long as you provide the necessary requirements and the desired style. Get in touch to discuss more.



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Want your brand to be mentioned in an existing article on our site? While we don’t guarantee always saying yes – if there is a good fit, we’re happy to discuss placements in articles we’ve already written.

$299 per placement (our subjective placement position)



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