Category Artificial Intelligence Study: Which Jobs Will Be Impacted by Tools Like ChatGPT? Are we at the tipping point of the new wave of AI tools causing a ruckus in the job market?…
Category Tech The 5 Best Status Page Tools Navigating the landscape of status page tools can be a daunting task, especially when your goal is to keep users…
Category Development The 5 Best API Monitoring Tools API monitoring is critical in today’s world of software development as APIs have become a vital part of modern applications….
Category Tech 11 Best Online Whiteboards for Brainstorming In the era of remote work and virtual learning, the demand for innovative and interactive online whiteboarding tools has skyrocketed….
Category Design Mastering Typography: 16 Font Tools for Designers In the design world, typography is vital in conveying messages and emotions with the perfect blend of style and readability….
Category Development Handling CSS Color Fonts with font-palette Color fonts are a relatively new feature in CSS that allows for more complex and visually rich typography. A color…
Category Development View Transitions API: Creating Smooth Page Transitions Chrome 111 has just been released, and it ships with a couple of interesting features: For this article, I will…
Category Development Static Site Generators: What’s Trending Right Now In my review of the most popular front-end frameworks – I’ve covered JAMstack as the most popular trend for two…
Category WordPress How to Fix: Child Stylesheet Loading Twice (WordPress) One of the things that can happen when you’re working with WordPress child themes is that the stylesheet will get…
Category Development Deno Frameworks – Building Faster, More Secure Applications I recently wrapped up an article on the most popular Node.js frameworks, in which I mentioned the meteoric rise of…
Category Development The Most Popular Node.js Frameworks As the demand for robust and scalable web applications continues to increase, Node.js remains a popular choice among developers. Node.js…
Category Development The Most Popular Build Tools for Front-end Developers So, what are build tools, exactly? Well, they’re a set of tools that help you automate repetitive tasks, optimize your…